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Unite Subang

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Memories on the Moon

Childhood dreams fulfilled. =)

During the 3 Moonites...

Highest number of mooncakes consumed at one event:
(excluding those given out!)

Number of lanterns lighted up:

We appreciate...
The people who prepared the food and games
Our friends who came and enjoyed themselves

We hope you learnt about many valued Chinese traditions, but more than that, we hope you took away the message that freedom and wholeness can be found in Christ.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MOONITE delight

Remember when you were young, how you had so much fun playing with lanterns, showing off to your neighbourhood friends while parading down the streets?

You know, if you're feeling stressed and long for some fun this semester, fret not, for the mid-autumn festival is here!We are going to have MOONITE at 3 different locations on 11, 12, and 19 September as you can see in the image above. MOONITE will be an incredibly fun celebration with "moon" games, "moon" quizes, "moon" draw, and mooncakes (of course!). UNITErs, ask your friends to come along!

If you're interested in joining us, please drop your email in the chatbox on the right, and we'll contact you for further details.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

We Miss Sufes Perak!

We had loads of fun at our UNITE outing at Sufes Perak! Although the place was hot and the hot spring was closed, we still enjoyed ourselves tremendously. In just 2 days,

1. We noticed each other's funny habits and we laughed until we had stomachaches when Zhi Wei tried to mimick us!

2. Max and Faith shared about 3 Ps: Purpose, Passion, and Priority. Reminded and encouraged us to live a larger life! (Remember to hand up your 6 months goal chart this Saturday!!)

3. We talked to each other and got to know each other so much better, including how some guys *ahem* will JUMP IN FRIGHT at the smallest insects!

We continue to look forward to building UNITE together!